Subdivision Preparation: Three Central Precautions for a Successful Development

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When planning for subdivision development, consider consulting a qualified contractor for guidance through the process. Often, inexperienced people make mistakes during this type of project because they overlook its complexity. It is a complex legal procedure that requires extensive research, preparation and on-ground development. Therefore, work with a subdivision preparation service for more information. In addition, use these essential guidelines to prepare and plan for your land subdivision.

Confirm the Zoning Rules

The most obvious consideration in subdivision development is zoning. Zoning laws are set to ensure that land use in any locale is regulated and organised. If landowners could use their lots without set rules, towns, cities and even rural areas would become chaotic. Therefore, you will not gain a permit if you do not follow the established zoning plan. For example, if your piece of land is in a residential area, you cannot conduct a subdivision and develop a commercial complex. Therefore, check on how the local council has designated the usage of your tract of land. Keep in mind that rezoning an area is possible in special situations, but the process of getting the request approved is challenging. In addition, check the minimum lot sizes indicated for land in your zone of development. Make sure that you have enough land area to divide into the desired pieces without violating the rules. Also, remember minimum lot sizes might not always be marketable.

Acquire the Right Permits

Your subdivision development will require numerous permits and approvals. The specific process for obtaining the right documentation for proceeding with your work will depend on the rules set in your locale. Therefore, consult with your chosen expert and reach out to the local council for guidance. In general, a developer will need to prepare a plan detailing the usage and design of the subdivision. The plan will need to be reviewed by the local council. If the preliminary assessment is successful, you will be referred to service authorities for a recommendation. Usually, the plan is also shared with neighbours and stakeholders before the final council assessment. Make timely applications and follow recommended procedures to avoid delays.

Budget for the Work

Finally, consult with your contractor on the projected costs of subdividing your tract of land. When your development is approved, you will need to conduct modifications to make the lots suitable for the projected use. The process will involve issues like connecting to utilities like water and electricity and building access roads. Check on the expenses and ensure you have sufficient funds. 
